Demonstrative Pronouns and Adjectives

By | November 10, 2020

Demonstrative Pronouns

Demonstrative Pronoun is used to demonstrate (or point out) people or things it stands for

Examples :

Those are my shoes
This is without a doubt  her ring

Demonstrative Pronouns are normally used for objects.
Sometimes they can be used for people when a person is being identified

Example :

This is Raul speaking, is that Amit ?

(This refers to the speaker Rahul, That refers to the listener Amit)

There are 4 types of  Demonstrative Pronouns

Near ( Time/distance)      Far (Time/distance)

Singular                    This                               That

Plural                        These                             Those


  • This is used for people of things that are close to us in terms of distance or timeExamples :
    This is the dress I bought
    These are brand new rollerblades (These is plural of this)
  • That is used for people of things that are far from us in terms of distance or timeExamples :
    That is the man I saw today
    Those are not my books (Those is the plural of that)

Demonstrative Pronouns are used :

  1. To point out to people or things they stand for
    Example : the are vey tasty mangoes
  2. To separate categories
    Example : Those are the clothes we are returning
  3. When a statement or solution is referred to whether previously stated or going to follow
    Example : That is the theorem I was going to write

6 Important points of demonstrative pronouns :

  1. A Demonstrative Pronoun is used to demonstrate (or point out) people or things it stands for
  2. A Demonstrative Pronoun is used to separate a category
  3. A Demonstrative Pronoun is used when a statement or solution is referred to
  4. A Demonstrative Adjectives are similar in form to Demonstrative Pronouns
  5. A Demonstrative Adjectives are always placed before the noun

A Demonstrative Adjectives qualify the noun whereas Demonstrative Pronouns stand alone

Demonstrative Adjectives

Adjectives such as this, that , these, those which are used to point out particular persons or things
are known as Demonstrative Adjectives

Examples :

We have to take these fruits back home

The flowers on this tree look so pretty

Types of  Demonstrative Adjectives

  • This and These are used to point out the things or persons that are close at hand or nearbyExamples :
    I enjoy reading this book
    These glasses contain orange juice
  • That and Those are used to point out the things or persons that are at a distance awayExamples :
    Those rabbits are so furry
    Let us take that lane
  • Such is used to compare things or persons in particularExample :
    I have never seen such furry rabbits before

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