Introduction is something that must be mastered.
There are several ways to introduce yourself and others formally or informally :
Introduce Yourself :
- I would to like to introduce myself
- Allow me to introduce myself
- Let me introduce myself to you
Introduce Others :
- Let me introduce you to Mr. John
- I would to like to introduce you to my friend
- Johan, meet my wife
- May I introduce you to Mr. Dicky ? (formal)
- May I present my best friend ?
Opening sentence at the time of introduction :
Hello, Hi everbody, Hello class, Hi friends
Closing sentence at the time of introduction :
Nice to meet you
Glad to see you
Pleased to meet you
It’s a pleasure to meet you
Thank you very much
An Example of Short Introduction :
- Hello friends, I would like to introduce myself. My name’s Erick. I’am from Holland
- Hi, I’m Jonatan Richard. Just call me Richard for short. I live in Australia. Nice to meet you all
An example of introduction with a Little Detailed Information
Hello, my full name’s Maria Rachel, just call me Ria for short. I live in Exmouth, a small town in western Australia. My hobby is writing because I want to be a good writer someday later.