Step by Step, Mastering in English – Lesson 1 : Introducion Part of Speech

By | September 5, 2023

Step by Step, Mastering in English

Lesson 1 : Introducion Part of Speech



A part of speech, also known as a word class or lexical category, is a grammatical category that classifies words based on their syntactic and semantic roles in a sentence. Part of speech helps us understand how words function within sentences and how they relate to other words.

There are typically eight major parts of speech in English:


  1. Pronoun:

    Pronouns are used to replace nouns in a sentence to avoid repetition. They can represent people, places, things, or ideas.Example: “he,” “she,” “it,” “they.”

  2. Adjective:

    Adjectives modify nouns by providing more information about their qualities, characteristics, or attributes.Example: “red,” “happy,” “tall.”

  3. Noun:

    Nouns are words that represent people, places, things, or ideas. They can serve as the subject of a sentence or as objects.Example: “dog,” “house,” “love.”

  4. Conjunction:

    Conjunctions are used to connect words, phrases, or clauses within a sentence. They help to coordinate and join ideas.Example: “and,” “but,” “or.”


  5. Adverb:

    Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs to provide more information about how, when, where, or to what extent an action or quality occurs.Example: “quickly,” “very,” “here.”

  6. Verb:

    Verbs are action words that show what someone or something is doing. They are often the central element of a sentence.Example: “run,” “eat,” “sleep.”

  7. Interjection:

    Interjections are short, often abrupt, and expressive words or phrases used to convey strong emotions, reactions, or exclamations.Example: “Wow!” “Ouch!” “Oh!”

  8. Preposition:

    Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and other words in a sentence. They often indicate location, direction, time, or manner.Example: “in,” “on,” “under,” “before.”


Understanding the part of speech of a word is crucial for proper sentence structure, syntax, and meaning in any language. It helps us determine how words relate to each other and how they function in context.



A pronoun is a part of speech that serves as a substitute for nouns in sentences. Pronouns are used to avoid repetitive or redundant use of nouns and to make sentences more concise and clear. They allow us to refer to people, places, things, or ideas without repeatedly mentioning the specific nouns they replace.

Here are some key points about pronouns:


Pronouns replace nouns to prevent the need for repeating the same nouns in a sentence. For example, instead of saying, “John went to the store, and John bought some groceries,” you can use the pronoun “he” to say, “John went to the store, and he bought some groceries.”

Gender and Number:

Pronouns can have different forms to indicate the gender and number (singular or plural) of the nouns they replace. For example, “he” is a singular, masculine pronoun, while “she” is a singular, feminine pronoun, and “they” is a plural pronoun used for both genders.


Types of Pronouns :

There are several types of pronouns, including personal pronouns (e.g., I, you, he, she, it, we, they), possessive pronouns (e.g., mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs), demonstrative pronouns (e.g., this, that, these, those), relative pronouns (e.g., who, whom, whose, which, that), reflexive pronouns (e.g., myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, themselves), and interrogative pronouns (e.g., who, whom, whose, which, what).



The noun that a pronoun refers to is called its antecedent. For example, in the sentence, “She is a talented musician,” “She” is the pronoun, and “musician” is the antecedent.



Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in terms of gender and number. For instance, if the antecedent is singular and masculine, the corresponding pronoun should also be singular and masculine.


Pronouns are essential for effective communication in writing and speech, as they help make sentences more fluid, concise, and less repetitive. They are a fundamental part of grammar and language that allow us to refer to people and things with ease.


Here’s a table of pronouns with their different forms:


Subject Object Possesive


I Me My Mine Myself
You You Your Yours Yourseslf
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
She Her Her Hers Herself
He Him His His Himself
It It Its Itself




an adjective is a part of speech that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun. Adjectives provide additional information about the noun or pronoun they are attached to, helping to give a more detailed and vivid picture of the noun’s qualities, characteristics, or attributes. Essentially, adjectives answer questions such as “What kind?” “Which one?” “How many?” or “How much?” in relation to the noun they modify.

Here are some key characteristics and uses of adjective in grammar:

Modifying Nouns:

Adjectives are primarily used to modify nouns. They can appear before or after the noun in a sentence.

The red car is fast. (Adjective “red” describes the noun “car.”)

She lives in a beautiful house. (Adjective “beautiful” describes the noun “house.”)

Types of Adjectives:

Adjectives can describe various qualities or attributes, including color, size, shape, age, origin, material, and more. There are also adjectives that express opinions or evaluations.


Blue sky (color)

Big elephant (size)

Round table (shape)

Old book (age)

Italian pasta (origin)

Wooden chair (material)

Delicious meal (opinion)

Comparative and Superlative Forms:

Adjectives can have comparative and superlative forms to indicate degrees of comparison. These forms are used to compare two or more things.


She is taller than her brother. (Comparative: comparing two people)

It’s the largest pizza in town. (Superlative: comparing more than two pizzas)

Adjective Order:

When multiple adjectives are used to describe a noun, there is a typical order they follow, based on the type of adjective. The order generally starts with opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, and material.

Example: She wore a beautiful (opinion) small (size) old (age) round (shape) blue (color) Italian (origin) silk (material) dress.

Attributive and Predicative Adjectives:

Adjectives can be used either attributively (before a noun) or predicatively (after a linking verb). In attributive use, they directly modify the noun. In predicative use, they provide information about the subject or object.


The cake is delicious. (Predicative)

She baked a delicious cake. (Attributive)

Adjectives play a crucial role in enriching the language by adding detail and specificity to descriptions. They help readers and listeners better understand and visualize the nouns they modify, making sentences more informative and engaging.



a noun is a fundamental part of speech that represents a person, place, thing, idea, or concept. Nouns are words that serve as the building blocks for naming and identifying objects, beings, and abstract concepts in language. They are essential in constructing sentences and conveying meaning.


Here are some key characteristics and uses of nouns in grammar:


Nouns are used to name people, animals, places, objects, qualities, ideas, and more. They provide specific labels for the things we talk about.


Cat (names an animal)

Paris (names a place)

Book (names an object)

Happiness (names an abstract concept)

Types of Nouns :

Nouns can be classified into various categories based on their characteristics:

Common Nouns:

These are general nouns that refer to common, everyday things, people, or places. They are not capitalized unless they begin a sentence.

Example: dog, city, book

Proper Nouns:

These are specific nouns that refer to particular individuals, unique entities, or specific locations. They are always capitalized.

Example: John, New York, Harry Potter

Concrete Nouns:

These refer to tangible, physical objects that can be perceived through the senses.

Example: tree, car, chocolate

Abstract Nouns:

These refer to intangible concepts, emotions, qualities, or ideas.

Example: love, freedom, honesty

Countable (Count) Nouns:

These nouns can be counted individually, and they have both singular and plural forms.

Example: apple (singular), apples (plural)

Uncountable (Non-count) Nouns:

These nouns represent substances, concepts, or things that cannot be counted individually but are measured in quantity or volume.

Example: water, knowledge, happiness

Collective Nouns:

These nouns represent groups or collections of people, animals, or things.

Example: team, herd, family

Noun Functions:

Nouns can serve various grammatical functions within sentences:



The noun that performs the action in a sentence or about which something is stated.

Example: The cat chased the mouse.


The noun that receives the action in a sentence or is affected by it.

Example: She caught the ball.

Direct Object:

The noun that directly receives the action of the verb.

Example: He read the book.

Indirect Object:

The noun that receives the action indirectly and usually answers the question “to whom?” or “for whom?”

Example: She gave her friend a gift.

Object of a Preposition:

The noun that follows a preposition and helps to show the relationship between other words in a sentence.

Example: He is sitting on the chair.

Nouns are crucial in sentence structure, as they form the subject and object of actions, helping to convey meaning and communicate effectively in written and spoken language.



a conjunction is a part of speech that serves as a connector or link between words, phrases, clauses, or sentences. Conjunctions are used to join elements together and show the relationships between them in a sentence. They play a crucial role in structuring sentences, creating logical connections, and expressing ideas more clearly. There are several types of conjunctions, including coordinating conjunctions, subordinating conjunctions, and correlative conjunctions, each with its own specific function:


Here are some key characteristics and uses of conjunction in grammar:

Coordinating Conjunctions:

Coordinating conjunctions are used to join words, phrases, or independent clauses that are of equal importance or rank. There are seven commonly used coordinating conjunctions in English, often remembered by the acronym FANBOYS:


For: Indicates a reason or cause.

And: Adds information or elements.

Nor: Negates or adds a negative element to a choice.

But: Indicates contrast or opposition.

Or: Presents alternatives or choices.

Yet: Contrasts or introduces a surprising fact.

So: Shows a result, consequence, or purpose.


He wanted to go to the store, but it was raining.

I need to buy bread and milk.

She neither called nor sent an email.


Subordinating Conjunctions:

Subordinating conjunctions are used to join an independent clause (a complete thought) with a dependent clause (an incomplete thought) to create complex sentences. These conjunctions introduce dependent clauses and indicate the relationship between the two clauses, such as cause and effect, time, condition, purpose, etc.


Because he studied hard, he passed the exam.

She will go to the park if it stops raining.

I’ll be there when you arrive.

Correlative Conjunctions:

Correlative conjunctions come in pairs and work together to link elements with equal grammatical weight. They are used to
show a relationship between two or more words, phrases, or clauses.


Either you come to the party, or you stay home.

Both the cat and the dog were in the yard.

He is not only intelligent but also hardworking.


Conjunctions are essential for constructing clear and coherent sentences, paragraphs, and longer texts. They help organize ideas, create compound and complex sentences, and indicate the logical connections between different parts of a sentence. Proper use of conjunctions improves the flow and readability of written and spoken language.



An adverb is a part of speech that modifies or describes verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, or entire sentences. Adverbs provide additional information about how, when, where, why, or to what degree an action occurs, or they can modify the intensity or manner of an adjective or another adverb. Essentially, adverbs answer questions such as “How?” “When?” “Where?” “Why?” and “To what extent?” to provide more details and context in a sentence.

Here are some key characteristics and uses of adverb in grammar:

Modifying Verbs:

Adverbs are often used to modify verbs by describing how an action is performed. They can indicate the manner in which an action takes place.


She sings beautifully. (modifying the verb “sings”)

He runs quickly. (modifying the verb “runs”)

Modifying Adjectives:

Adverbs can also modify adjectives to provide more information about the degree or intensity of a quality or characteristic.


The movie was extremely exciting. (modifying the adjective “exciting”)

It was a very hot day. (modifying the adjective “hot”)

Modifying Other Adverbs:

Adverbs can modify other adverbs to provide additional details about the manner or degree of an action or quality.


He spoke quite softly. (modifying the adverb “softly”)

She danced very gracefully. (modifying the adverb “gracefully”)

Modifying Entire Sentences:

Some adverbs, known as sentence adverbs or conjunctive adverbs, modify entire sentences or clauses. They often indicate the speaker’s attitude, opinion, or the relationship between two sentences.


Certainly, I will help you with your project. (modifying the entire sentence)

However, he was late, we continued with the meeting. (connecting two sentences)

Types of Adverbs:

Adverbs can be categorized into different types based on their specific functions:

Adverbs of manner:

Describe how an action is performed. (e.g., quickly, slowly)

Adverbs of time:

Indicate when an action occurs. (e.g., today, now)

Adverbs of place:

Indicate where an action occurs. (e.g., here, there)

Adverbs of frequency:

Indicate how often an action occurs. (e.g., always, rarely)

Adverbs of degree:

Indicate the intensity or degree of an action or quality. (e.g., very, too)

Adverbs of certainty:

Indicate the speaker’s level of confidence in a statement. (e.g., certainly, probably)

Adverbs are essential for providing clarity and precision in language, helping to convey information about the circumstances surrounding an action or the speaker’s perspective on a situation. They play a crucial role in both written and spoken communication.



A verb is a part of speech that represents an action, occurrence, or state of being. Verbs are essential components of sentences and are often referred to as the “action words” because they describe what a subject does or the condition it is in. Verbs are used to convey actions, events, or states of existence in a sentence.

Here are some key characteristics and uses of verbs in grammar:

Actions and Activities:

Verbs describe actions or activities that a subject performs. These actions can be physical or mental.


She runs every morning. (physical action)

He thinks deeply about the problem. (mental action)

States of Being:

Verbs can also represent states of existence, conditions, or states of being.


They are students. (state of being)

The coffee tastes bitter. (condition)


Verbs can be inflected to indicate different tenses, such as past, present, and future, which show when an action took place or will take place.


She walked to school yesterday. (past tense)

He is eating lunch now. (present tense)

They will travel to Paris next week. (future tense)


Verbs often undergo changes in form (conjugation) to agree with the subject in terms of person (first person, second person, third person) and number (singular, plural).


I am (first person, singular) a student.

You are (second person, singular or plural) my friends.

He is (third person, singular) a doctor.

We are (first person, plural) studying.


Verbs can be in different voices, including active and passive. In the active voice, the subject performs the action, while in the passive voice, the subject receives the action.


She wrote the letter. (active voice)

The letter was written by her. (passive voice)


Verbs can be in different moods, indicating the speaker’s attitude or the likelihood of an action. Common moods include indicative, imperative, subjunctive, and conditional.


He is (indicative mood) happy.

Please pass (imperative mood) the salt.

If I were (subjunctive mood) rich, I would travel.


Verbs can be classified as transitive (requiring a direct object) or intransitive (not requiring a direct object).


She ate (transitive) the cake.

He slept (intransitive) peacefully.


Verbs are central to sentence structure and are vital for conveying action, time, and meaning in both spoken and written language. They are often the focal point of a sentence and are crucial for forming meaningful and coherent communication.



an interjection is a part of speech used to express strong emotions, reactions, exclamations, or sudden bursts of feelings. Interjections are often standalone words or phrases that are not grammatically connected to the rest of the sentence and are used to convey the speaker’s emotional state or response to a situation. They can convey a wide range of emotions, including surprise, joy, anger, frustration, and excitement. Interjections are typically punctuated with exclamation marks or commas to indicate their emotional intensity.


Here are some key characteristics and examples of interjections:

Expressing Emotion:

Interjections serve the primary function of expressing the speaker’s emotions, often in a spontaneous and unfiltered manner.


Wow! That’s amazing!

Oh no! I forgot my keys!

Ouch! That hurt!

Standalone Nature:

Interjections are often used as standalone words or phrases and do not have a grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence. They can appear at the beginning, middle, or end of a sentence.


Well, I never expected that!

That movie was, oh my goodness, so funny!

I can’t believe I won, woo-hoo!


Interjections are usually followed by an exclamation mark or a comma, depending on the intensity of the emotion being expressed.


Oh no! You spilled the milk.

Wow, that’s an incredible sunset.


Interjections can vary widely depending on the language and the specific emotion or reaction being conveyed. They can be single words, phrases, or even sounds.


Yikes! That was close!

Aww, how cute!

Eww, that’s disgusting.

Informal Language:

Interjections are often used in informal or conversational language and may not be suitable for formal writing or professional contexts.


Interjections add emotional depth and authenticity to language by allowing speakers to express their immediate reactions and feelings. They are a natural and spontaneous way of communicating emotions and are commonly used in everyday conversations and informal writing.




A preposition is a part of speech that establishes a relationship between a noun or pronoun (known as the object of the preposition) and other words in a sentence. Prepositions typically indicate the location, direction, time, manner, or relationship between elements in a sentence, helping to clarify the spatial or temporal context of an action or event.


Here are some key characteristics and uses of prepositions in grammar:


Spatial Relationships:

Prepositions often describe where something is located or the direction of movement. They help answer questions like “Where?” and “To/From where?”



The book is on the table. (indicates location)

She walked through the park. (indicates movement)

Temporal Relationships:

Prepositions can also indicate when an action takes place or the timing of events. They help answer questions like “When?” or “During what time?”



The meeting is scheduled for 3 p.m. (indicates a specific time)

We will have a picnic in the summer. (indicates a period)


Prepositions can describe how something is done or the manner in which an action occurs.


She sings with enthusiasm. (indicates manner)

He painted the wall by hand. (indicates the method)

Relationships and Connections:

Prepositions establish relationships or connections between words or phrases in a sentence.


The key to success is hard work. (indicates a relationship)

She is interested in art. (indicates interest)

Common Prepositions:

There are many common prepositions in English, including “in,” “on,” “at,” “by,” “with,” “for,” “of,” “from,” “to,” “under,” “over,” “between,” “among,” and “through,” among others.


He lives in New York.

The cat jumped over the fence.

They met at the coffee shop.

Prepositional Phrases:

Prepositions are often followed by a noun or pronoun (the object of the preposition) to form a prepositional phrase. This phrase functions as an adverb or adjective, providing additional information in a sentence.


She sat on the chair. (prepositional phrase modifying the verb)

The book on the shelf is mine. (prepositional phrase modifying the noun)


Prepositions are important for providing context and clarity in sentences. They help readers and listeners understand the spatial, temporal, or logical relationships between elements in a sentence, making language more precise and meaningful.

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