Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. In English, they can be classified into different categories:
1. **Common Nouns**: These refer to general items, not specific ones.
– Examples: `dog`, `city`, `car`, `book`.
2. **Proper Nouns**: These refer to specific names of people, places, or organizations and are always capitalized.
– Examples: `John`, `Paris`, `Microsoft`, `Eiffel Tower`.
3. **Concrete Nouns**: These refer to things that can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted.
– Examples: `apple`, `music`, `perfume`, `stone`.
4. **Abstract Nouns**: These refer to ideas, qualities, or states that cannot be seen or touched.
– Examples: `happiness`, `freedom`, `love`, `knowledge`.
5. **Countable Nouns**: These refer to items that can be counted. They have singular and plural forms.
– Examples: `cat`/`cats`, `house`/`houses`.
6. **Uncountable Nouns**: These refer to items that cannot be counted individually. They usually do not have a plural form.
– Examples: `water`, `sugar`, `information`, `advice`.
7. **Collective Nouns**: These refer to a group of individuals or things considered as one unit.
– Examples: `team`, `flock`, `family`, `class`.
Nouns can also function as the subject or object in a sentence, playing a critical role in sentence structure.
Here are Nouns in English from alphabet A to C with audio/mp3 :
1 | Agenda | 18 | Ankle | 35 | Aunt |
2 | Agriculture | 19 | Ant | 36 | Automobile |
3 | Air | 20 | Apartment | 37 | Autumn |
4 | Airplane | 21 | Apparatus | 38 | Avalanche |
5 | Airport | 22 | Apple | 39 | Avocado |
6 | Alarm | 23 | Aquarium | 40 | Axe |
7 | Algae | 24 | Arch | 41 | Baby |
8 | Alley | 25 | Archer | 42 | Backpack |
9 | Alligator | 26 | Area | 43 | Bacon |
10 | Almond | 27 | Arm | 44 | Badge |
11 | Alphabet | 28 | Armor | 45 | Bag |
12 | Altitude | 29 | Aroma | 46 | Bakery |
13 | Ambulance | 30 | Arrow | 47 | Balance |
14 | Amp | 31 | Art | 48 | Ball |
15 | Anchor | 32 | Artist | 49 | Ballon |
16 | Angle | 33 | Athlete | 50 | Bamboo |
17 | Animal | 34 | Atom |
51 | Banana | 68 | Bat | 85 | Bed Clotch |
52 | Band | 69 | Bath | 86 | Bedroom |
53 | Bandage | 70 | Bathroom | 87 | Bee |
54 | Bank | 71 | Battery | 88 | Beef |
55 | Banner | 72 | Battle | 89 | Beer |
56 | Bar | 73 | Bay | 90 | Bell |
57 | Barbecue | 74 | Beach | 91 | Belt |
58 | Barbell | 75 | Beach towel | 92 | Berry |
59 | Barber | 76 | Bead | 93 | Bicycle |
60 | Barcode | 77 | Beak | 94 | Bill |
61 | Bard | 78 | Beam | 95 | Binoculars |
62 | Barefoot | 79 | Bean | 96 | Bird |
63 | Barrel | 80 | Bear | 97 | Biscuit |
64 | Barrier | 81 | Beard | 98 | Blackboard |
65 | Baseball | 82 | Beast | 99 | Blade |
66 | Basement | 83 | Beauty | 100 | Blanket |
67 | Basket | 84 | Bed |
101 | Block | 118 | Brain | 135 | Button |
102 | Blood | 119 | Branch | 136 | Cabinet |
103 | Board | 120 | Bread | 137 | Cable |
104 | Boat | 121 | Breakfast | 138 | Cactus |
105 | Body | 122 | Breeze | 139 | Cafe |
106 | Bone | 123 | Brick | 140 | Cage |
107 | Book | 124 | Bridge | 141 | Cake |
108 | Bookshelf | 125 | Briefcase | 142 | Calculator |
109 | Boot | 126 | Broom | 143 | Calender |
110 | Bottle | 127 | Broomstick | 144 | Camera |
111 | Bottle cap | 128 | Brother | 145 | Camp |
112 | Bottle opener | 129 | Brush | 146 | Can |
113 | Bow | 130 | Building | 147 | Candle |
114 | Bowl | 131 | Bull | 148 | Candy |
115 | Box | 132 | Bus | 149 | Cane |
116 | Boy | 133 | Business | 150 | Canvas |
117 | Bracelet | 134 | Butterfly |
151 | Cap | 168 | Chair | 185 | Cinema |
152 | Capital | 169 | Chalk | 186 | Circle |
153 | Car | 170 | Champagne | 187 | City |
154 | Card | 171 | Channel | 188 | Clam |
155 | Carpet | 172 | Cheese | 189 | Class |
156 | Carpet Cleaner | 173 | Chef | 190 | Classroom |
157 | Carriage | 174 | Cherry | 191 | Clinic |
158 | Cart | 175 | Chess | 192 | Clipboard |
159 | Carton | 176 | Chest | 193 | Clock |
160 | Case | 177 | Chicken | 194 | Clody |
161 | Cash | 178 | Child | 195 | Closet |
162 | Cassette | 179 | Chili | 196 | Clothes |
163 | Catle | 180 | Chimney | 197 | Cloud |
164 | Cat | 181 | Chisel | 198 | Clown |
165 | Ceiling | 182 | Chocolate | 199 | Coat |
166 | Cellphone | 183 | Church | 200 | Coffee |
167 | Chain | 184 | Cigarette |
201 | Coffee maker | 218 | Couch |
202 | Coin | 219 | Country |
203 | Cola | 220 | Couple |
204 | Collar | 221 | Cousin |
205 | Color / Colour | 222 | Cow |
206 | Comb | 223 | Cradle |
207 | Company | 224 | Crayon |
208 | Compass | 225 | Credit Card |
209 | Computer | 226 | Crocodile |
210 | Conditioner | 227 | Crown |
211 | Con | 228 | Crust |
212 | Container | 229 | Cucumber |
213 | Cookie | 230 | Cup |
214 | Cookie Jar | 231 | Cupboard |
215 | Cooler | 232 | Curtain |
216 | Cork | 233 | Customer |
217 | Corn | 234 | Cycle |