Nouns in English (A – C) – English Vocabulary

By | August 19, 2024

Nouns are words that name people, places, things, or ideas. In English, they can be classified into different categories:

1. **Common Nouns**: These refer to general items, not specific ones.
– Examples: `dog`, `city`, `car`, `book`.

2. **Proper Nouns**: These refer to specific names of people, places, or organizations and are always capitalized.
– Examples: `John`, `Paris`, `Microsoft`, `Eiffel Tower`.

3. **Concrete Nouns**: These refer to things that can be seen, touched, heard, smelled, or tasted.
– Examples: `apple`, `music`, `perfume`, `stone`.

4. **Abstract Nouns**: These refer to ideas, qualities, or states that cannot be seen or touched.
– Examples: `happiness`, `freedom`, `love`, `knowledge`.

5. **Countable Nouns**: These refer to items that can be counted. They have singular and plural forms.
– Examples: `cat`/`cats`, `house`/`houses`.

6. **Uncountable Nouns**: These refer to items that cannot be counted individually. They usually do not have a plural form.
– Examples: `water`, `sugar`, `information`, `advice`.

7. **Collective Nouns**: These refer to a group of individuals or things considered as one unit.
– Examples: `team`, `flock`, `family`, `class`.

Nouns can also function as the subject or object in a sentence, playing a critical role in sentence structure.

Here are Nouns in English from alphabet  A  to   C with  audio/mp3 :

1 Agenda 18 Ankle 35 Aunt
2 Agriculture 19 Ant 36 Automobile
3 Air 20 Apartment 37 Autumn
4 Airplane 21 Apparatus 38 Avalanche
5 Airport 22 Apple 39 Avocado
6 Alarm 23 Aquarium 40 Axe
7 Algae 24 Arch 41 Baby
8 Alley 25 Archer 42 Backpack
9 Alligator 26 Area 43 Bacon
10 Almond 27 Arm 44 Badge
11 Alphabet 28 Armor 45 Bag
12 Altitude 29 Aroma 46 Bakery
13 Ambulance 30 Arrow 47 Balance
14 Amp 31 Art 48 Ball
15 Anchor 32 Artist 49 Ballon
16 Angle 33 Athlete 50 Bamboo
17 Animal 34 Atom    


51 Banana 68 Bat 85 Bed Clotch
52 Band 69 Bath 86 Bedroom
53 Bandage 70 Bathroom 87 Bee
54 Bank 71 Battery 88 Beef
55 Banner 72 Battle 89 Beer
56 Bar 73 Bay 90 Bell
57 Barbecue 74 Beach 91 Belt
58 Barbell 75 Beach towel 92 Berry
59 Barber 76 Bead 93 Bicycle
60 Barcode 77 Beak 94 Bill
61 Bard 78 Beam 95 Binoculars
62 Barefoot 79 Bean 96 Bird
63 Barrel 80 Bear 97 Biscuit
64 Barrier 81 Beard 98 Blackboard
65 Baseball 82 Beast 99 Blade
66 Basement 83 Beauty 100 Blanket
67 Basket 84 Bed    


101 Block 118 Brain 135 Button
102 Blood 119 Branch 136 Cabinet
103 Board 120 Bread 137 Cable
104 Boat 121 Breakfast 138 Cactus
105 Body 122 Breeze 139 Cafe
106 Bone 123 Brick 140 Cage
107 Book 124 Bridge 141 Cake
108 Bookshelf 125 Briefcase 142 Calculator
109 Boot 126 Broom 143 Calender
110 Bottle 127 Broomstick 144 Camera
111 Bottle cap 128 Brother 145 Camp
112 Bottle opener 129 Brush 146 Can
113 Bow 130 Building 147 Candle
114 Bowl 131 Bull 148 Candy
115 Box 132 Bus 149 Cane
116 Boy 133 Business 150 Canvas
117 Bracelet 134 Butterfly    


151 Cap 168 Chair 185 Cinema
152 Capital 169 Chalk 186 Circle
153 Car 170 Champagne 187 City
154 Card 171 Channel 188 Clam
155 Carpet 172 Cheese 189 Class
156 Carpet Cleaner 173 Chef 190 Classroom
157 Carriage 174 Cherry 191 Clinic
158 Cart 175 Chess 192 Clipboard
159 Carton 176 Chest 193 Clock
160 Case 177 Chicken 194 Clody
161 Cash 178 Child 195 Closet
162 Cassette 179 Chili 196 Clothes
163 Catle 180 Chimney 197 Cloud
164 Cat 181 Chisel 198 Clown
165 Ceiling 182 Chocolate 199 Coat
166 Cellphone 183 Church 200 Coffee
167 Chain 184 Cigarette    


201 Coffee maker 218 Couch
202 Coin 219 Country
203 Cola 220 Couple
204 Collar 221 Cousin
205 Color / Colour 222 Cow
206 Comb 223 Cradle
207 Company 224 Crayon
208 Compass 225 Credit Card
209 Computer 226 Crocodile
210 Conditioner 227 Crown
211 Con 228 Crust
212 Container 229 Cucumber
213 Cookie 230 Cup
214 Cookie Jar 231 Cupboard
215 Cooler 232 Curtain
216 Cork 233 Customer
217 Corn 234 Cycle